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Client Success Stories

Real Men Experiencing Successful Recovery


"Before I was with Jake, I felt like I tried everything to overcome but it seemed like no matter what I did, I could never get over it. Jake's program has taught me exactly what I need to overcome for good and have no desire (hence the name). I’m still working everyday and creating the lifestyle that Jake has taught me to be able to be sober long-term. But for now, I just feel so much happier and so much more free. I feel like I can manage my thoughts and feelings and truly control them. My relationships are better since being with Jake and his program. He is one of the nicest dudes you will ever meet. He never judges but always gives amazing advice at the right moments. I totally recommend him!!! You won’t regret it!"


“After going through several therapists in the past two decades, this is by far the best experience I have had. The program is well structured and was designed to produce individual transformation. I can say with certainty that this curriculum is different from anything I've ever experienced. Jake is ready to listen and interested in what I have to say, there is no judgment, but a place of genuine empathy. He's also ready to teach from personal experience, heart-to-heart.”
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Overcome Porn Addiction

Join the No More Desire Program and write your own success story. Apply for your Free Evaluation Call today.

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“When I first started meeting with Jake, I was in a dark place, feeling alone, betrayed, and unworthy. I didn’t think I deserved my family’s support. But as I continued our sessions, I began to see myself and my mistakes differently. With Jake’s guidance and tools, I managed to climb out of the hole I had dug for myself. He taught me strategies to develop new habits and thought patterns, helping me shift my perspective. Instead of dwelling on my flaws and mistakes, he showed me how to view them more positively. Having someone to talk to gave me the courage to share my addiction with my family and gain their support. Much of the happiness and fulfillment I experience now is thanks to Jake.”



"I attribute a lot of my ability to dig deep and find the roots of my problems to Jake Kastleman. He provides training that is very helpful. His curriculum is centered on positivity and puts my focus on the fact that I am a being of light and goodness and that my mistakes don’t define me. I have really enjoyed all the empathy and positive direction received in my communications with Jake. Shame is removed and recovery is gained by my new found ability to awake with a smile and positive mindset each day with newly discovered tools to overcome this problem in my life."
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“Addicted to pornography and masturbation for close to 38 years, I have tried to stop multiple times. I looked at my support team - I had my wife, SA brothers, and a Sponsor, but something was missing. Then I heard one of Jake’s podcasts, and he spoke my language. Jake has helped me learn how to communicate with my wife, recognize and work on character defects, and forgive, accept, and love the different pieces of me. He also has a special talent for slipping little comments, suggestions, or advice towards the end of each one-on-one meeting; I’m calling them ‘Nuggets From Jake,’ and I look forward to them.”


Write Your Own Recovery Story

I teach men across the world how to quit porn using simple, step-by-step, and evidence-based daily practices that retrain the brain and form new habits. Join my program and write your own success story.

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